I'm comatose.
-lacking energy.
That's me. I'm honestly on the verge of doing something destructive. To what?, I don't know.
I feel the urge to run down the street with a horn of some sort screaming vulgarity.
But why?
Where the f*ck is that gonna leave me besides passed out somewhere out of breath from running.
I am grateful.
I been through too much to NOT appreciate where I am now.
I'm at an all time high AND low at the same time.
Sounds weird, but it's possible.
Honestly, I really do want to get into details, but it wouldn't be right doing so.
So on that note people, I'm signing off of blogger/myspace/facebook for a little bit.
No more hanging out/drinking. It's about time I calm my a*s down a bit and just figure out what the f*ck is going on?
I mean maybe occasionally I'll comment a page or something, but as for postings, I'm laying low for a bit.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 9:52 AM 2 comments
Labels: bramble, Verbal Candy
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Hey jerks. Car for sale. Due to my loathing of repitition... please click the following:
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: get outta my life.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Of never ending duration; having beginning but no end; everlasting; endless. bullsh*t. I will now use this word frequently. On the blog & in real life. Your ignorance is sempiternal... yeah.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Verbal Candy
Thursday, July 24, 2008
be kanye.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 12:21 PM 2 comments
LOL well have no fear, I promised not to type any pornographic blogs, also, "Independent" is now playing, so my whole vibe just changed. The base on this song is crazy. I wonder where the hell I'll be in five years from now. Like what the hell is my purpose. Though I'm still relatively young, I'd appreciate a clue of some sort. Sh*t."She got her own money, she don't need no help man...boosie".
Why are people so damn confusing? I have some kinda nerve typing that. (Gimme whatcha got -Chris Brown) Yes I'm typing the songs as they change. But back to the subject at hand. Why are people so damn confusing? Yes, I believe I can be considered... Complicated. But not confusing. I have methods behind my madness, but that rule obviously doesn't apply to all. Especially MEN! YEAH I SAID IT! MEN! You're idiots. All of you. I have yet to meet a man that wasn't an idiot. I still love you guys, but let's face it your a*sholes. My gma (Beautiful Nightmare- Beyonce) always said to me "Stupid boys grow to be stupid men" (y) <--those who have blackberry's should know what that symbolizes. Gma, you ain't neva lie! Hence the reason why, if God ever blesses me with a child, and it so happens to be a boy, my foot will remain in his neck/ass at all times! LOL, but I'm not kidding. Well morons, I think I'm actually getting tired, of typing that is. I guess I'll watch Frasier until he watches me. Signing off-Gnight :).
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 1:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: bramble
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 5:18 PM 4 comments
Labels: bramble
To fein or exaggerate illness or inability in order to avoid duty or work.
HOLY SH*T... I had no idea that there was a word for this! This is great.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 12:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: Verbal Candy
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
i wish cotton was a monkey.
Sometimes I get excited to tell stories/share things. For some strange reason if the news is good, my eyes tear up. I can't help it. 8:40 AM I'm here at my desk crying like a 'lil b-i-itch. My father has about 190283012830281 episodes of the original little rascals that I watched growing up. Something told me to YouTube my favorite scene, and BOOM! So I'd thought I'd share... :37-:51! OMG! Classic.
Ps. Y the black one gotta wish for a watermelon?
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: randomness
Thursday, July 10, 2008
LMFAO @ his "Daddy":
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
One who is regarded as reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 3:31 PM 2 comments
Labels: Verbal Candy
" Is anybody selling a gun? I live in MV, SUM1 knows sum1 who is selling a gun. Take a bow or take a cot damn BULLET, idiot! ..bad as my heartbeat, bad as the food I eat, bad as the air I breathe.."
Yeah I know it's pretty random, but the Jazmine Sullivan quote was already up there, but the beggining part was brief rage... anywho I'm losing focus. I got a message from a buddy of mine. It was actually a response to my status. Please observe.
Undisclosed respondant (and I quote):
LOL! that made my day!
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: CC, From the Outside In, get outta my life., Ignorant
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 3:24 PM 5 comments
Labels: get outta my life., JazSullivan
Damn I'm feenin' for a sandwich from Subway. Slori? Can you help me on this one?
I just sent two of my friends an email...
" so im walking to work and i keep hearing "CLANK CLANK" so i just ignored it thinkin maybe its my earrings or bracelets or sumthin.. when i got here and put my bag down i heard ... CLINK CLANK... CHING.. im like wtf... i open my bag... there is a bottle of bacardi melon in so ashamed. "
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 2:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: bramble, dream., randomness
WOW.. yet another word for BULLSH*T. I'm telling you peasants... this verbal candy is helpful. You can kill two birds with one stone when arguing. You can insult someone, AND make them feel stupid 'cause you might use a word that they'll eventually have to look up. HOLLER!
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Verbal Candy
Ok... seriously.. push play..
Just to keep you in the loop, I finally finished moving and all that good stuff. My normal 8-4 has a firewall and my Internet at home is not hooked up yet.. therefore.. I guess my blogging will suffer the consequences... unless of course I blog from my Shitberry...
anywho.. HIIIII! Here are some of my flickity flicks!

WHATEVER this thing is... it's still trapped between my screen and window. Do you see that tail/stinger/big doodoo chunk? I don't effin think so! That scared the sh*t outta me!

I would like to start a petition to ban these effin "air fresheners" they decided to name black ice. It smells more like black SH*T if you ask me. I hate 'em. They stink.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: flicker.