Interested in becoming a groupie? 1.877.beKanye or
http://www.bekanyenow.com/ . I wonder how much money was wasted in the process of creating this? This is coming from Mr.
Bushdoesntlikeblackpeople ? Have you anything better to spend your money/time on?
LOL! I'm kidding, it's actually an advertisement for
Absolut Vodka... I think.. right? But why the "Be
Kanye Tablets" You lost me there. That's the wasteful part. Anyway, I called the number, it's actually a funny.. well.. just a little bit. It gave me the recipe to some cocktail that I'm not interested in... but hey... enjoy.
1. you have henchman spying on me...which is creeply inspiring.
2. u loom from the a tower at m tvernon east writing down my wardrobe.
wat ever the case...you got any requests?
Lol I hate that damn advertisment.
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