Wednesday, November 26, 2008

just when you thought it was safe.

You Go-Go Key Lo-Lo
The Haitian Sensation.
The Educated Moron.

*o**y Dee.

ok guys... that's it! I'm finito! no mas!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

roll call. :)

If I were a boy...
LUDA!Snotty Savory.
Diana Johnson.Remo.

Punky P.
McDoggett .
K. S-curlessoms.
Lucy Clare.
Ghetto Ass Tiff.
Down the Ramp.
American Badmon.

Monday, November 24, 2008

yearbook me.

Squint to make it look real, that's what I did.

mcnugget love.

if you don't laugh, you're an ass.

just thinkin.

2008 is over. it's like what... 45 days left (give or take)? it started off pretty decent, & ending pretty shitty.

as such is life.

one thing i have learned, is that there's a consequence for everything that makes you smile.
:) spoken like a true pessimist.

e, you need to work on actually givin' a f*ck. i'm getting better. I AM! i haven't changed my number in months, i no longer walk home from events, my apartment is actually looking AND feeling like a home, and my credit score is going up! ollerhay!
other parts of me, more specifically my attitude need working on. i just don't feel like it. change? for what? seems as though nobody else is. so i'm bettering myself for ya('ll) dumbass(es) to stick to your ignorant ass ways?

ok.. now that i thought about it, that should be more of a reason to perfect me. ahhhhhh (middle finger).

no i don't walk around smiling like a big dumb dick. for what? & when i see people who do that, all i can think is..."the fuck u so damn happy about? big idiot bitch."

shoutouts to the pirates robbing ships! pretty damn gully if you ask me. i never knew they really existed. it's actually kind of funny. i mean it's not but it is. it's a recession, do you blame them?

i live in a community where i'm surrounded by idiots. i'm serious. you wouldn't understand unless you resided here too."i want outta this FUCKED up town"...

fucka resolution. i just need to stick to my guns. so far, so fukkin good.

i have some pretty funny pictures that i don't feel like posting. maybe later. as for now i think i'll surf and comment a few blogs up, fantasize, drink some water and maybe do a little work. oh yeah this week i'm trying to drink water and hot chocolate ONLY. well.. minus Thursday! sheeeeit!

carry on.


NAY-bob\, noun:
a very wealthy and prominent person; mogul

that's an ugly lookin' word. no?

i suck.

number of questions... 10
check only: State Names
how to play: connect the dots & guess the state.
my score: 63 ...smgdh!

Friday, November 21, 2008

i'm just stupid.

lol. the title should explain it. Anywho I was a senior in high school, the teacher and I were goin' at it.... and well.. she kept interrupting me so I stopped talking and put my pointer finger up and said something along the lines of...


is it me or does he look 'bout ready to slap the SHIT outta somebody?! the finger is like a warning of some sort. I just find this pic to coincide with the story. why do i let people bring the demon out of me? the fuck is my problem? That was real rude of me to speak to a teacher in that manner, AND think it was ok. Real rude. I added beetlejuice 'cause he makes CsUp laugh, and because it's my fuckin' life/blog/prerogative. problems?

Thursday, November 20, 2008



Tuesday, November 18, 2008

partay. (as per Nafisa)

Click to enlarge.
there might be a special guest bartender ;)

tat.tat. tatted up

I have asked some random moron for the past four months to draw my next tattoo. Allegedly he has done so but never has the time to even scan and email it to me " ".. HMPH ::rolleyes::. So now I ask ... do you know how to draw? Do you know someone that does? It's nothing big, but I can't draw, & I want my shit!
Email me for details at or hit me up on aim/google talk: socialedisturbed.


I was having a rough day/night/week/weekend. The QOH (Queen of the Hood) was cooking [and WHO misses THAT?!]. We decided to have a male bash night which included but was not limited to, drinking, smoking with cigarettes, eating lil Mikey's chocolate bars, and watching the Real World Challenge on DVR. On my stroll home in the AM i decided to take a pic of me walking. Why?... I don't even know.... anywho my focus was diverted from my busted sneakers & sweats when I noticed the following....
Hmmm, now that's pretty damn random. A pair of jeans, AND a belt?... hmmmm...if you say so.
So I continued on... approximately.... 6 paces...and BAM!

A shirt and a left sneaker...hmmmm. Muy interesante... EH EHHMM!.....!



I don't make this sh*t up.

picnic time!

Seriously, I started tearing at my desk. Eureeka's Castle?... seriously? This was THE show to watch before heading to class... I was in the PM kindergarten class, K-C to be exact. It came on Monday-Friday 11:30 AM back when Nickelodeon was on channel 19! Damn man!

When you sit back and really watch this clip. How effin STUPID! Cheesy graphics, an array of snaggle toothed characters, a retarded (i hate that word..but) dragon, mice in armor, singing fish statues...? WTF? lol. However, my morning REVOLVED around this show! RE-VOLVED!

Eureeka's Castle man! Damn!

Friday, November 7, 2008

food for thought.

So glad this man is in office... MAN!


ff to the time mentioned above.. turn the sound off.. and watch about 10 seconds... this MOFO was responsible for 50% of my childhood nightmares..

the other 50% went to this movie below.. "Fright Night"

here we go.

My score: 412650

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

change is here.

:/ other ppl do it. PUSH IT!

As you know, I wasn't as active as I should have been with the Presidential Election. I actually became interested... I'd say about a month ago. I voted Obama. Why? NOT because he's black, but for what he stands for. I watched 2 debates, did my own personal research, and read the chain emails regarding his & McCain's personal life and educational background! LOL.
Anywho feel free to do your research:
more specifically:

Sounds good to me! Plus when Obama speaks, I believe. When McCain spoke I was waiting for him to croak. Sad, but honest. It's just disheartening when you receive text messages about punching the first white person in the face for Obama, or hearing someone say how mad the "white man" is that he's in office. Remember, we're a minority. Meaning white people had to vote for him in order to be elected. Did you not see the crowd of support? JAM PACKED with every race in the book. Also, you can't get mad when you see someone of color supporting McCain . Why not? It's his business/choice. Let the idiot live.

Man oh Man! Look how far we've come! Look at the direction that we're heading. We as in we the people. We came TOGETHER and did what was once thought the impossible.


PS... The Obama girl needs to sit the f*ck down!... NOW!... I saw on the news this AM she wants a personal invite to the inauguration for her "support" for Obama. Look at this SH*T!

bitch plz, you ain't poppin.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

every vote counts.

WTG KAI! Keep 'em commin'!

rah! licka shot for ...

T.wockee this is classic!