:/ other ppl do it. PUSH IT!

Sounds good to me! Plus when Obama speaks, I believe. When McCain spoke I was waiting for him to croak. Sad, but honest. It's just disheartening when you receive text messages about punching the first white person in the face for Obama, or hearing someone say how mad the "white man" is that he's in office. Remember, we're a minority. Meaning white people had to vote for him in order to be elected. Did you not see the crowd of support? JAM PACKED with every race in the book. Also, you can't get mad when you see someone of color supporting McCain http://www.todaystmj4.com/news/local/30825819.html . Why not? It's his business/choice. Let the idiot live.
Man oh Man! Look how far we've come! Look at the direction that we're heading. We as in we the people. We came TOGETHER and did what was once thought the impossible.
PS... The Obama girl needs to sit the f*ck down!... NOW!... I saw on the news this AM she wants a personal invite to the inauguration for her "support" for Obama. Look at this SH*T!
bitch plz, you ain't poppin.
You know, I stated before that had it not been for you, Ms Dicks and Coco, I would have probably let this historic moment pass me right by. I said your conversation had a greater impact on me than you might have thought. Well, the truth is it had a greater impact on me than I thought as well.
We spoke about the importance of making a wise, well educated decision and doing it fairly and for the right reasons. This motivated me to try my hardest to make a color-blind vote. A good percent of my efforts during research was spent on doing just that, taking the race out of the race. I emphasized that so much that I never really took the time out to wrap my mind around how monumental of a moment the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States would actually be.
History in the making.
It really didnt hit me until about 11:00 last night, like a ton of culture rich bricks.
The dawn of a new day. The awakening of young confidence. A manifestation of black potential, not only convincing them that yes we indeed can, but proving it to ourselves.
This overwhelming feeling of pride, victory and joy as a man of color is greatly intensified by the gratifying experience of actually being involved in making it happen. A feeling of empowerment. Voting.
And I have you to thank for that.
I'm not sure if I can express the depth of my gratitude accurately with a simple comment on a blog.
I can only hope that you unnderstand where I'm coming from.
I always used to wonder what it would feel like to be watching and listening as Martin Luther King Jr gave a speech.
I feel like I may know now.
I hope you all continue doing what you do. E* on keep blogging. I know it wasn't meant to be a politically oriented blog, but still. I guess my point is your view is appreciated. I've laughed at your humor, related to you on your more serious topics and literally fed off your vibe when it came to this election.
Ms Dicks, Coco, keep spreading the good word and speaking up for what you believe in. Your efforts are not in vain. Though your words may seem to fall on deaf ears sometimes, that fact that you find it important enough to speak up about it sends another very clear, very important message.
Thank you all again, and Congratulations. Cause like President-elect Obama said, this victory is ours.
i was like that last night.. started cryin & all that... not realizin... u kno... like damn..
we alllllll came a long way.
soooooooooo glad i got my ish together & voted. so glad.
ps... glad i was of assistance... we both helped each otha out on this one!
Nice piece! Did you ac a fool when you heard the news? LOL
this blog post i aight.
lol. i kid.
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