Saturday, August 30, 2008

well well.

Lions & Tigers - Jazmine Sullivan

This really is my ish right now. Seriously. Anywho I have about 20 minutes to squeeze another post (mind you I'm at work) so this won't be a lengthy bramble.

Anywho, on a previous post I got some pretty in depth responses.

There is a good man in every male you've ever come across.

I believe that, just as I believe there's a low life in every male I've come across as well. I'm trying not to turn this post/blog into a male bashing tirade. It's just sometimes you get so fed up with people (not just dudes) and their bs. This post is NOT for any love birds. It's for the single hustlers such as myself. It gets annoying how you might open up to an individual (especially after ending a previous relationship), being open and honest just to end back up at square one.

Furthermore, if there's a good man in every male, why do they hide it so well? I have no kids & I damn sure ain't about to raise a grown ass man. NO I am NOT being specific about a situation, I'm speaking in general. JUST PUTTING THAT OUT THERE.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, or probably a straight up troglodyte, but is it so hard just to be yourself? Is that asking for too much?

This is basically reason of my alias "socialedisturbed". A lot of people are complete imbeciles, and I can't stomach to be around stupid people. So I'll remove myself from the environment/situation/ relationship as soon as I can. Relationships being the hardest. Stupidity is like a damn airborne disease. But yea...I hate having to remind people (especially men) about sh*t they should already know, & I think that's another problem that I (as well as others) have encountered when dealing with the type of people we attract. Some guys like the women that depend on them, can't live with out them, women they can treat like doormats. It's sh*t they're used to. So when they come across someone who doesn't accept AS MUCH bs as the last and/or next one, I figure they're getting turned off and/or intimidated.

Ok.. I completely lost focus of the topic at hand..AND it's time for me to go... so.. until next time..



a man who is overly concerned with or vain about his dress.

pretty boy.

ps. DAMN it's been a minute since I posted a "verbal candy" ... I'm fallin' off.

it's so COLD in the d.

  • ummmm what a way to start the video off.. somebody buy that man a sandwich. NOW.
  • :49 what's going on with all that damn bouncing? I thought it was cold in the D? You seem happy to me.
  • :53 (striking resemblance)
  • :59 Are you friggin kiddin' me? That ain't even henny.
  • 1:18 Sure that's your benz.
  • 1:14... like really.. calm ya ass down
  • 1:47 SHAMELESS
  • 1:55 so we ARE listening to 2 different songs. What happened to rapping to the beat? She ain't no Andre 3000.
  • 2:06 - 2:19 Nobody wants to be there.
  • 2:33 Is this the hood version of "Pretty Woman"?
  • 2:53 :o!

"It's so cooooold in the D. How the fuck do we 'posed to make peace?". For starters, trash this video. It ain't much, but it damn sure is a start. Does the T in T-Baby stand for Tragic? It's a lot more than cold in the damn d. It's also depressing and stupid in the D. What idiots.

"shesquats" the HELL did you find this one?

Friday, August 29, 2008

obama hustle.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


.. was all that necessary?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

color me BAD.

So we're on the train coming home after a girls day out (which by the way I will start blogging about), and we see homie and his friend come through the car doors, rocking the following.

Homeboys feet were screamin' for salvation! Not only did he have on these colorful disasters, but he had he nerve to tell us he charges $2.oo for his "designs" and had the AUDACITY to stick his hand out for the money... my man....those things ain't even telephone wire material... society today eh?...smh.


SMH. I thought normally eating would take the place of spitting. That's a damn shame people need to be reminded NOT to spit while riding the bus. Well... I guess I am now in the know.

Friday, August 22, 2008

naija boy

Thursday, August 21, 2008

:o part dos.

This is disgusting. Seriously. Not only is it sad that she knows how to do these moves, but other children are watching.. & CHEERING!!!! & some random idiot is recording! This is a shame & a disgrace! S.C. I dunno WHERE you find these vids. & because of sh*t like this, was created. Find a pedophile near you!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I bleeped the cussin'! So Dee and I are chattin on the bberry msgr... and .. well.. here's a lil bit of the convo! LMAO but.. (n) (if you don't have a bberry then you won't get that)


eroticKa.: What u gonna do on ur vacay!?
eroticKa.: Besides f*ck and s*ck mad niggas
Dee: Lolll... Remember I'm goin to florida!!!
eroticKa.: U just kept sayin u aint gonna be here
eroticKa.: U big sack of NUTS
eroticKa.: :o
eroticKa.: Heyyyy ! Instead of a keychain, can u bring me back a man
eroticKa.: With a job
eroticKa.: And no kids
eroticKa.: With a good head on his shoulders
eroticKa.: And no record
eroticKa.: And handsome
eroticKa.: And faithful
eroticKa.: With personality
eroticKa.: And tall
eroticKa.: And god fearing
eroticKa.: Preferably with a muscular torso
eroticKa.: And then I'll get u a pony for xmas
Dee: I'm not god...lollll
eroticKa.: Lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!
eroticKa.: Good effin answer


Sunday, August 17, 2008


yet another one of my wacked out away messages.

Friday, August 15, 2008

excuse me...

..does anybody else have goosebumps?


His account was deleted off Youtube, but guess what, he's BACK! enjoy.

this is .... pg-13... i think... but if you youtube him... ur guaranteed to have the permanent :o Face!



That's the face I made the entire time watching this! It's not even funny. The sad part is, with the right amount of liquor, I dance like the one to the left (n)! I'm 23. Not 4. Somebody call CPS! Can these little girls even spell "Donk"? Guess these little girls are destined for greatness... NOT! & to top it off, instead of the parent spending money on a camera to post videos of their future whore for a daughter they need to focus on getting some furniture put in that room.

Thx Badmon!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Wow. A redbull truck.

rw classics.

I'll never forget, 2002, my senior year in HS, 7:17 was my voicemail greeting. I LOVE THAT PART. Also... :46 has me crackin' up. David is reminding me of a "tattle teller". On a serious note, Dave shoulda got up in Pucks a*s after the spitting incident.

LMFAO!LMFAO! I WISH youtube would have a clip of the actual video that went along with this song. OMG! I'm crackin' up!

Woo woo

Who could ever forget this?

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Donk ( - Soulja Boy

read the title. hear the song. Yes I'm jealous, granny gotta "donk".... & I don't.


The Jump Off - Lil Kim


hey claques. I'm back, finally. I've come to the conclusion that I'm actually quite ok with going out once or twice a month. I actually have funds in my bank account due to the recent ... self evaluation. As previously posted I was laying low for a bit. Basically just trying to figure out what the hell it is I'm trying to get out of this life of mine. Unfortunately I haven't figured it out. After spending a few days with me, I realized...

  • I have anger problems
  • My spending habits are a bit excessive
  • My saving habits need improvement
  • I'm extremely lazy
  • Milk no longer does my body good
  • Red Lobster has THE best tartar sauce
  • People are morons
  • I truly am tripolar
  • I often give respect when it isn't due
  • I'm a pervert
I mean some of these things I kiiiiiinda already knew. But the last two weeks simply confirmed them. So what I plan on doing, is correcting my errors. Of course when I go through a mood swing to this extent.. I do something drastic. Aside from hammering my shoe rack (that was nailed) OFF my closet door, or breaking pieces of my mirror set.... I cut my hair... again.

Love, live life, proceed progress (for now)! Watch me do me.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


the best part of the movie... 1:55!!