Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
am i late? is this real?
Will he STOP SAYING "UMMM"!? omg.. it's pissin' me OFF!
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 11:06 AM 1 comments
Labels: From the Outside In, LD
Thursday, September 25, 2008
liar liar, dat ass on fire!
This is yet another pic from the Ripley's experience. In China, like... 1200 BC or something like that, lying was considered a capital crime (as it should be now!). The convicted folk were then stripped buckanaked, chained to a metal pole, and slowly roasted. They wouldn't kill the "convict", they'd just roast 'em...JUST short of death.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: flicker., randomness
weird al.
Amish Paradise - For more funny videos, click here
"Livin' In an Omish Paradise"
Back back, back back, Gimme 50 feet! Can we say uncomfortable? [I think the girlfriend smells what the Rock is cookin'.]
Stylin'! Get the light feet goin'!
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: celeb spotting., flicker.
the collection and study of money.
'Cause knowledge is power!
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 10:46 AM 1 comments
Labels: Verbal Candy
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
..wait 'til he turns 18..
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 11:43 AM 2 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 12:29 PM 2 comments
Labels: get outta my life., randomness
Friday, September 19, 2008
dear summer,
Just shutup and push play.
Dear Summer:
What were your intentions? Seriously. I must've done something pretty darn f*cked up in a previous lifetime for me to experience all this bullshit I encountered during your time. I thought summer was the time to kick your feet up & relax, go on vacation, go bungee jumping, drink lemonade, cookouts, mosquito bites, water rides, shit the very smell of summer is just supposed to just.... relax you. Instead you've given me shootouts, homicides, heartbreak, flat tires, & a tornado. Obviously there are more turmoils, but those are just to name a few.
Friend to Season, Summer, you're falling off. You should know me by now. I loathe idiots. Yet & still you some how find a way for me to interact with them. Granted, I can be somewhat ..difficult at times. My attitude (at times), my comments, my punctuality (rarely ;) ), my mood swings (excuse me I've been getting better)... they can rub someone the wrong way... but my primary intentions are harmless... just to live life and be happy. For some reason, I believe, you went out of your damn way to piss me the fuck off any and every way possible. Shit. Why?
I'm getting older. Everyday is a blessing, but what does getting older really mean? Absolutely nothing. It simply means people expect more and give less. That's fine.. I guess. Though I really don't expect shit from anybody. Our previous years together should already define why. But why do people expect so much out of me? What kind of fuckin' aura am I giving off? Please advise so I don't run into the same problem in the fall (my n*gga ::American Gangster Voice::).
I really tried being nice to people. That's huge, & you know this. Evil E was put to rest for a bit. Why did people take advantage of that? Is it my destiny to be bitter? I mean damn. I don't want to be angry all the time, I'm not miserable. But you sure as hell tried to make this year. You know what... I can't even blame you on that one... I'll take the blame. I guess me trying to find myself, attempting to change a bit, ignoring certain things, just ends up with me looking like a fool. I am who I am, & my bad for trying trying to alter me. It won't happen again. But what about others? Since when is everyone so "important". What goes on? Since when did everyone become so confident/rich/and better than others. Shit. Braggers. OMG. Why do they exist? If I had a nickel for every time I seen/heard someone bragging...matter fact, that was my nickel truck that flipped in Florida. You get money, we get it (your point), we all get it (money) but I'm too humble of an individual to take it to the extremity that I've previously seen. The fuck? Should i start posting pay stubs... no no.. to really prove it, I'm gonna start posting receipts. Yeah that's what I'll do, I'll start posting my expenses, showing that them shits are all current. Maybe I'll make a t-shirt... fuck it.. an outfit with all my damn liabilities.. the fuck!? GET OVER YOURSELF! Notice I said expenses, not bills... do your research, there's a difference. Idiot.
What about the phony (spellcheck) people? I hate being paranoid, yet I can't help but believe there's always an evil motive to one's actions (& I'm SO MAD I can't think of the word for that) . People really can't be trusted. Baby, you don't have to befriend me JUST to find out if I'm ... :x ....This world would be way less confusing if everyone would just be themselves. I see right through you. Though I can't get mad that you're scared to be you, it's really not my problem, just go thataway with it. Don't come 'roun me. PLEASE! CYNICAL! That's the word, & I refuse to go back and retype the paragraph. I'm cynical. It's a strength & a weakness.
In conclusion, Summer, Fuck you. You really ain't THAT poppin'. Shit you ain't even my favorite season. Like others, I'm just forced to tolerate you. Just do me a favor... if I'm around for '09... step ya game up 6 notches. I'm telling you this, 'cause deep down inside.. I care for you, & I'm lookin' out for your best interest.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: bramble, imsayintho.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Gotta break this one down... tin-tih-nab-yuh-LAY-shuhn
A tinkling sound, as of a bell or bells.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Verbal Candy
Sunday, September 14, 2008
LOFL! especially at :58!!!!
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: randomness
Friday, September 12, 2008
You're outta ya mind if this was never ya ish!
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Verbal Candy
Monday, September 8, 2008
I mean.
I registered when I was on 9th...but I don't really care to vote..As per the last election it makes no difference.
Ericka,Your vote is needed in this election! Just like your vote was needed in the last election. No matter WHO you decide to vote for, let your voice be heard.Keep pushing forward. If Rosa Parks would have given up her seat when they told her to move, we would have never heard from her. (lol) We want to hear from YOU! Stand up and be counted. Don't let one election stop you from voting in others. We Stand Tall, We Stand Proud, We Vote As A Family, we are family, I got all my sisters in me---oh sorry, got carried away. Anyway ericka, go to the damn polls and vote!
That's not true, if everyone thought like that, we would be back in the
20's with no rights to vote, do you realize how hard black people fought
to have the right to vote and the bs they had to go through to make your
future what it is?
Are you only voting for Obama because he's black?
Just a thought......if you did vote for Obama because he's black, is that such a bad thing? I mean-spanish vote for spanish because they are spanish. Whites vote for whites because they are white. Why is it such a crime to vote for a black person because you are black? I mean-thats the crabs in a barrel mentality that we have to get out of. Its ok to support one another. The more power we have, the more we can do for our communities and the more decisions we can make to benefit each other globally. I see nothing wrong with it. Do you know how many people wont vote for Obama just because he's black? Im sure a great deal. So please dont contribute to those numbers.
I understand what you mean and it's ok to forgive but i don't think you should forget. It wasn't that long ago. I remember Mama used to tell me stories about how she couldn't go in restaraunts b/c she was black. If she was allowed in, she couldn't sit in the same section as the whites or use the ladies room. Growing up hearing these stories made a huge impact on how I view my race and our struggles. You don't have to vote for Obama b/c he's black. Hell - you don't have to vote for Obama. You can vote for McCain. Whomever your pick, just make sure you VOTE. Your opinion does matter and your choice will make a difference. Keep in mind - if you don't vote - don't complain. Don't complain about how much money your job takes out of your check for health insurance. Don't complain about high taxes and how when you get your pay check Uncle Sam takes all your money before you get it. Don't complain about all the illegal immigrants taking all our jobs, etc. Your vote can help change these issues or at least swing the decision making a little.
I don't vote, & I don't care to vote. I'm not too interested in politics. That's bad, especially me being a Libra right? But if I'm not interested, explaining to me reasons why you are (interested) doesn't influence me. I mean I have nothing against Obama in any way shape or form. I'm just not interested in politics. Granted the amount of taxes taken out of a paycheck are... disgusting. However the tax deductions (I believe) aren't going to drastically change when the new President is elected. Taxes pay their bills, support the war, government assistant programs, & all that other good/bad ish. Right? I could be wrong, 'cause like I said, I don't really keep up with it. To me it's just.. whatever. I mean more power to those who vote. I'm happy for you... I am... ok.. no, I'm not. I really could careless.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 3:03 PM 14 comments
Labels: imsayintho.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
besta believe
More than likely this topic is gonna get broken down into two posts. I'm not by my normal computer that I can hook my sh*tberry up to to easily get pix off my phone so I have to email then upload and yadda yadda.. so it's taking longer than it should.
Anywho, Yesterday Beijiing & I decided to keep ourselves occupied outside of the 'burbs. After 3 Red Devils (Happy Hour! HOLLA), we decided to go next door to "Ripley's Believe it or Not" (Time Square if you ain't know). Plus some dude on the street gave us a flyer for $4.00 off, so why not? At first I'm walkin' in there thinking... "WTF this girl got me doin' NOW?" But it was cool. So here are a few flicks that we took while exploring. Mind you... MOST of the pictures were taken PRIOR to reading the history of whatever we were "posing" with.
Enjoy. Ok, so this box & bowl is actually a torturing device. What they would do is, lock the prisoner in the box with an opening. They then would put a bowl of food JUST outside of the prisoners reach. In conclusion, the prisoner would starve to death, and that box would now become their coffin. Who thought of THAT one?
This mask was worn by the wife of a man who thought that she gossiped too much! LMAO! We really should've have read the signs! LOL! OH man. This one reminded us of "Jigsaw" of the saw legacy. Not quite the same but you get where I'm coming from. If not, you're stupid and I suggest you hit the ALT and F4 key at the same time. Idiot.

Okay, I knew good & cot damn well what this was and was used for. It's a guillotine right? I hope. Please don't let me be wrong! Yes I'm an idiot. I don't think anybody is supposed to smile and wave while in one of these.
Who dat ihh? Dat's just my baby daddy!.... WAIT.. no, Latarian Milton is, but Chief BoomShakalakBOOM is my stash. I'm sorry I have a way with public affection :/
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 4:49 PM 0 comments
LOL. I don't know why I just thought of going to a club. The most common ground to find a bevy. Right? Go figure/
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 3:18 PM 2 comments
Labels: Verbal Candy
oh em gee.
Looooook wat IIIII gottttttttttttt....

First I'd like to thank S.Will ( Why? 'Cause he put me on to blogger. I mean, he really sucks though. Why? 'Cause I asked him weeks and weeks and days and days ago... to design my next tattoo... and he has YET to do so... What a sista gotta do to get things done around here? Should I send his computer a virus? Should I sign his email up to a variety of porn web pages? Or maybe I should send chain text messages by the masses. Ideas anyone?
Next I'd like to thank my environment. Why? 'Cause you did this to me. YOU make me smile, you make me cry, you piss me off, you're ignorant, you're funny, you're SPECIAL. So thank you for that.
Now to pass the torch...
- Procrastinatin' behind S.Will
- Kin'shar Thanks Boo! :)
- I mean c'mon
- 118
- Luxury!
Yup.. Shoutouts to everyone else's page as well... these are just the pages in heavy rotation!
Now... back to our regularly blogging program.
Posted by socialedisturbed. at 1:12 PM 2 comments
Labels: imsayintho.