More than likely this topic is gonna get broken down into two posts. I'm not by my normal computer that I can hook my sh*tberry up to to easily get pix off my phone so I have to email then upload and yadda yadda.. so it's taking longer than it should.
Anywho, Yesterday Beijiing & I decided to keep ourselves occupied outside of the 'burbs. After 3 Red Devils (Happy Hour! HOLLA), we decided to go next door to "Ripley's Believe it or Not" (Time Square if you ain't know). Plus some dude on the street gave us a flyer for $4.00 off, so why not? At first I'm walkin' in there thinking... "WTF this girl got me doin' NOW?" But it was cool. So here are a few flicks that we took while exploring. Mind you... MOST of the pictures were taken PRIOR to reading the history of whatever we were "posing" with.
Enjoy. Ok, so this box & bowl is actually a torturing device. What they would do is, lock the prisoner in the box with an opening. They then would put a bowl of food JUST outside of the prisoners reach. In conclusion, the prisoner would starve to death, and that box would now become their coffin. Who thought of THAT one?
This mask was worn by the wife of a man who thought that she gossiped too much! LMAO! We really should've have read the signs! LOL! OH man. This one reminded us of "Jigsaw" of the saw legacy. Not quite the same but you get where I'm coming from. If not, you're stupid and I suggest you hit the ALT and F4 key at the same time. Idiot.

Okay, I knew good & cot damn well what this was and was used for. It's a guillotine right? I hope. Please don't let me be wrong! Yes I'm an idiot. I don't think anybody is supposed to smile and wave while in one of these.
Who dat ihh? Dat's just my baby daddy!.... WAIT.. no, Latarian Milton is, but Chief BoomShakalakBOOM is my stash. I'm sorry I have a way with public affection :/
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