I have a habit of taking pictures. Unfortunately, I broke my 4th camera and just feel as though purchasing another might indeed be a bad investment. The sad part is, I had insurance on all my cameras except the last one, and allegedly the insurance didn't cover the damage. How was I supposed to know I was gonna drop it? I drink. The last one however just gave up on me. Just stopped working. Insurance covered that, but after previously wasting money on insurance, I opted out. In conclusion, I was screwed. Anywho, my curve has a camera. Not as good as the real thing, but it'll do.
Moving on, people sleeping... it cracks me up. It's the nodding, I find it hilarious. One day somebody is gonna beat me up! Until then...

Now homedude below? He definitely supports the fact I need a camera that records! I was on my way to an interview when I peeped this Snorlax. He was SERIOUS with his. It was nodding to the tenth power. Nodding, rocking, swaying & snoring.
this is horrible. you are snappin pics of people on the metro north. i knock out all the time on my commute. now im all paranoid.
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